Prayer and Healing Service

Pastors Andrew and Janine would love to invite you to our monthly Prayer and Healing service.


Join us in person at the Wollongong Town Hall at 10:00am.

If you are unable to make it in person, we will be streaming Live Online! Our livestream link will become live at 10:00am (Sydney time) and we will broadcast from 10:30am.

Anyone who is in need of prayer can join us either in-person or via our online streaming platforms, where Ps Andrew Kubala and our prayer team will pray for you.

Please feel free to communicate with us before the service using our Healing Prayer Request form. Ps Andrew will pray individually for everyone who is online with us during the livestream or anyone who is has joined us in person. If you have a prayer request but are unable to join us during the livestream, please know our team will be praying for you during the week.

You can send your request via our Healing Prayer Request form below, and then place a comment on one of our platforms during the livestream to let us know you’re online with us for your prayer.


If you are unable to join us in person for the Healing Service at 6pm, we will be streaming online via Facebook and YouTube, you can go straight to our pages using the buttons below.


Our in-person Prayer and Healing Service is currently being held once a month on a Sunday at:

Wollongong Town Hall

There is free street parking and our friendly smile team will be on site to greet you.



Ps Andrew and our team would love to pray with you during our livestream. Send your healing prayer requests in using the prayer request form below and let us know that you are online with us during the livestream by making a comment on our platform.

Please understand, if you are unable to join us online at the time of the livestream, our prayer team will be praying for you during the week.


“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” Revelation 12:11



February 2024 - S from Brisbane
Since you prayed for me I can now hold a knife and fork, my hips / lower back feel like there’s air or lightness in them and the pain/ soreness in my left foot has reduced dramatically. I thank God EVERY day for my healing. I will keep walking in the freedom from pain, in God’s anointing. Pastor Andrew, thank you for being obedient to our might God, thank you for your belief in Him, and thank you for praying for me. I am healed because you obeyed God. Thank you.

October 2023 - W from Taree
Our daughter rang us this morning to tell us of her experience after Ps Andrew prayed for her last night. She was at the dishwasher and felt a hand touch the area of her fractured rub. She thought she must have had a sock or something caught up in her dressing gown from washing day. Then the hand touched her there again. After that she felt a warm sensation in the rib area that was similar to having heat rub gel rubbed on. (Her mum) and I are over the moon about her experience. Thanks once again for your prayers. Praise God most of all.

August 2023 - R from Wollongong
At the last healing service I was healed from allergies, something broke off my life. You also prayed for my mum’s colonoscopy with a good result, she doesn’t need another one.

June 2023 - Z from Canberra
Baby Z has been healed from RSV (lung infection) and is now breathing on his own.

June 2023 - B from Wollongong
Doctors are reluctant to use the word ‘miracle’ but they are unable to find any evidence of cancer in B’s body.

April 2023 - H from Brisbane
K is looking and doing a lot better. Thank you for your prayers. Her latest MRI showed no scarring on her heart there is still some fluid around her heart and lungs which the doctor is hoping will be absorbed. She is still experiencing symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath but has lessened. Thank you Jesus! Her depression has lifted and she is looking so much better and feeling full of hope.